September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013

Good Morning Friends,
  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I don't know about all of you, but I am always amazed how booked the weekends get.  This weekend, my oldest daughter, turned 12.  We had 12, 6th grade girls spend the night on Saturday.  Needless to say I am glad to be back at work!

This week we will continue to introduce the components of Writer's Workshop, and the 3rd Daily 5 routine of Reading With Someone.  I will also finish up the remaining Language Arts Assessments that I wanted to complete.

We will have an assembly on Thursday.  The assemblies have been moved to Thursdays this year.  If you are able to join us, they start at 7:45.

*Book order forms will be sent home today.  If you would like to order any books, please send it back by next Monday

*Fridays are Jersey Day!  Mr. Geenleaf and I are huge sports fans.  We would love to have Fridays be Jersey/t-shirt day.  You child can wear a jersey or shirt of their favorite sports team or their own sports teams (soccer, dance).  I am convinced I can get my whole class to wear them before Mr. Greenleaf does.  I will also have a few extra basketball t-shirts at school, if someone needs one.

I hope you have a great week.
