I hope you all survived your child's day of April 1st pranks. You may want to impose a 24 foot social distancing rule, with them, for the remainder of the day. No one will judge you and all will understand the move. Your choice!

Today's Morning Meeting Link
Tomorrow's Schedule:
*Morning Meeting @ 9:00
*Live Writing Instruction @ 10:00
Now that distance learning looks like it will continue for the remainder of the year, I am working on a general schedule, that may help your set up a schedule for your child each day. This will only be a recommendation and you may have your own routine in place. I will use my Friday phone calls, with each of you, to check in on progress and field any questions you may have.
That is all for today. I want to thank all of you for your hard work and support of your child's learning during this unique time. You are all superstars to your family and I am much appreciative for all that each of you are balancing. Keep up the great work!