Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy some of the beautiful weather last week. My goal was to be off my computer during the day and enjoy the great outdoors. I have to say, not only did I meet my goal but I enjoyed every minute of it.
I am keeping track of the books your child is reading (that I assign) and when he/she turns in their completed writing prompt. I have included the links (below) so you can keep track of what your child has done and turned in. Every time they complete and turn in a book & questions and/or a writing prompt, they receive CANDY!
Writing Prompt Record Sheet
Book Log
Today's Recording:
Morning Meeting:
Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @9:00:
Live Writing Instruction@10:00:
Themes For the Week:
Tuesday: Dance Tuesday, wear your flashiest dance outfit for our Tuesday song
Wednesday: Wack Wednesday, wear your wackiest outfit you own or can create
Thursday: Rainbow Day, how many colors can you wear at one time?
Friday: Fancy Friday, wear your fanciest of Morning Meeting clothes.
Today's Read-A-Loud:
Today we read the invisible boy by Trudy Ludwig. "This story of kindness shows that the smallest gestures often have the biggest impact.Meet Brian. No one notices him. No one includes him. He just feels invisible. But everything suddenly changes when a new student named Justin arrives. A bit of creativity helps form a new friendship, unleashing Brian’s lively personality and vivid imagination. This high-spirited musical, complete with fun songs and heartfelt humor, will help us all discover the possibilities that begin with a simple act of kindness."
If you would like your child to watch a performance of the book, check out below.
That is all for now. Have a great Monday afternoon!