If your child needs popcorn delivered for our viewing of the BFG, on Friday, please let me know by today. You can email me or text my cell.
Today's Recordings:
Morning Meeting 4/15/20
Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @ 9:00. We will have a guest specialist join us.
Live Writing Instruction @ 10:00. Bring your green folder and a pencil.
That pretty much sums it up. Today we had the most technical difficulties that we have had. Zoom has made the necessary adjustments and our district will be allowing us to go back to that platform. We will be switching back after the April break. During the break I will switch the meeting links over in the learning hub and on google classroom. I also want to hold off until district allows all of their assigned devices to access Zoom again. Imagine the headaches if I switched and people couldn't get on.

Classroom Project:
I want to document how the the class and their families are doing their part in fighting this pandemic. Over the next week (by 4/21/20), I would love for you or your child to capture 5-6 photos of how they are tackling this. It could be pictures of walks with families, using video conferencing, wearing a mask or anything you feel captures it. I also would like one of the photos to be of your child (an d family if you would like) wearing their Waitsfield School Shirts and making a sign that says we are Waitsfield Elementary School or W. E. S. Once you have your photos, load them in this folder. I will work on the project during April break. Let me know if you have any questions.