April 14, 2020

April 14, 2020

Good Afternoon,
  I am surely glad to see the sunshine out again.  It is funny how the sunny weather makes everything a little bit more pleasant.

Today's Recorded Activities:
Morning Meeting
Writing Lesson:  Today's writing prompt was I would like to learn how to . . .  If your child missed the live class, they must do this prompt and send it in by Friday.  If your child is confused or you are having trouble with the lesson, please watch the recording (above) of it.  It will show you how to present it to your child.

Tomorrow's Live Link:
Morning Meeting @ 9:00.  The theme for tomorrow is Stuffy Day!  Bring your favorite stuffy.

Google Classroom:
The following people have not accepted their invite for Google Classroom. Here is the video I made and posted when the invite first went out.  Please watch it and then proceed with accepting invite.  I appreciate your support with this.

Those who need to accept invite: Callum, Leif, Vera, Micah, Mabel.  Thanks again for doing this.

*Mr. Hill would also like everyone to accept the invite to his music classroom as well.  

Classroom Project:
I want to document how the the class and their families are doing their part in fighting this pandemic.  Over the next week (by 4/21/20), I would love for you or your child to capture 5-6 photos of how they are tackling this.  It could be pictures of walks with families, using video conferencing, wearing a mask or anything you feel captures it.  I also would like one of the photos to be of your child (an d family if you would like) wearing their Waitsfield School Shirts and making a sign that says we are Waitsfield Elementary School or W. E. S.  Once you have your photos, load them in this folder.  I will work on the project during April break.  Let me know if you have any questions.

That is all for now. Have a great evening and thank all of you for what you are doing.
