So what's new? Just kidding! I always liked the movie Groundhog's Day but I am actually starting to feel a little bit like Bill Murray's character. In all seriousness, I hope all is well with each and everyone of you. I am sure you all are quite busy balancing the needs of your family, your jobs, and staying on top of all of the needs of your child/children. I just want you to know that I am very impressed and grateful for all of the support you are giving them. As always, please let me know if you are needing anything or even if it is just a need to reassure yourself that your are on top of it all.
Friday Phone Calls:
As you know, each Friday I call each family to check in. The point of these calls is to act almost like a small parent conference. If gives you the chance to ask for any clarification on things and it gives me a chance to update you on your child's weekly progress. Now that we have entered our "Continuity of Learning" phase, I feel it is crucial to help each child keep up and not get behind in their work. When I call, I will be discussing their pace fo work. This is not a critique or a questioning of what they have been doing, but rather advice on what I hope to see for the coming week.
Today's Recorded Lessons/Activities:
Morning Meeting
Live Writing Instruction
Tomorrow's Schedule:

Yesterday, during meeting, I asked the students to capture a picture of them reading to someone in honor of it being our library day. Below is the picture that I was sent. Thanks for sending t along.
Yesterday, I sent sent you a link to a video about Google Classroom. The video can be seen here. One thing that got overlooked was that when you log into your child's google account, you will see their username and the "" must be added to that. For example
Password: ***********
That is all for now. I hope you have a great evening. REMEMBER, tomorrow's theme is Wear the Color Blue (chosen by Riley).
Mr. Young