April 29, 2016

April 29, 2016

Good Morning,
  This week our writing has focused on writing reviews.  The students thought about their favorite restaurant and their favorite meal at that place.  We spent some time reading a variety of reviews and looked at powerful words and strong writing that were within each review.  The students spent a good amount of time working on introducing their topic.

 Our social studies projects are in full swing.  Two of the groups have created videos (see below) to talk about their projects and to inform others how they can help.  The videos were used as part of a presentation for each classroom.  It would be great if you could share out the videos. this blog post, or send an email so that others could get involved (especially the books for Peru project).


*I will be out of the classroom on Monday morning.  We are refinancing our house and the appraiser needs to be there at 8:30.

*I will also be out of the classroom on Wednesday for my monthly meeting at the agency of education.

*Your child has reading and a Weekly News entry in their homework bag.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016

Good Morning,
  I hope you had a great week with your children.  I spent the week teaching a 4th grade math class in the city of Lawrence, MA.  This was my third year being selected for this and it is a very rewarding experience in many ways.

  This week we will wrap up our science unit and shift our focus to the Making A Difference projects that the students are working on.  Today the students tested their towers and decided if revision were needed.  The earthquake and wind tests certainly had the room moving and shaking.

I hope you have a great week.



April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016

Good Afternoon,
  "Mr. Young, that was EPIC!"  These were the words of one of the students as we left the Flynn theater yesterday.  It was an amazing show and it ended with a theater full of kids dancing and jumping up and down.  A very positive feel with great energy.

Today the students finished the first version of their paper towers.  It was great to see their thoughts come to reality.

I hope you all have a great break.


April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

Good Afternoon,

  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  I spent the weekend watching a variety of AAU basketball games in the Lyndon area.  It was a lot of fun to watch because of the growth and improvement I ma seeing with different players at each level.  It made me think about our classroom and the growth and independence that so many of the students are exhibiting with their academics.  I hope you are seeing this growth and excitement with your own child.

On Wednesday, the students will choose a site visit to attend as they learn more about pottery from a variety of artists from the area.  Today the students signed up for their top 3 choices.  Please remember to send them with appropriate outdoor clothing for Wednesday's trips.

On Thursday, we will head to the Flynn.  Our plans have changed a bit.  We will leave school around 10:10ish and head to Burlington. Once we are there, the students will eat lunch (at the Flynn).  Then we will attend the performance and head home.  The kids will need a cold lunch.  If a student needs the school to provide a cold lunch, they will sign up tomorrow at school.  Please make sure they know if this is needed.

Have a great week.


April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016

Good Morning,

  Today the students started planning their final structure for our engineering unit.  Their task is to build a structure that is less than 16 inches high, can hold weight at the top, and can withstand wind and earthquakes.  As the students planned, they were challenged to think about their learning (from the unit) and what concepts could be brought into their design.  They will have to build towers only using newspaper and tape.

  We will be headed to the Flynn on Thursday.  Looking ahead at the weather, we have decided to eat at school before we leave.  That means we will be eating lunch at 10:05 and departing at 10:45.  Your child will need a cold lunch from home.  The school will provide bagged lunches if your child orders one.  I will place those orders on Monday.  Please let your child know if they need to order one.

  We continued working on our Making A Difference Units on Wednesday.  These projects may require that the kids leave the building with their group leader.  The leaders are Mrs. Babic (our counselor, Mr. Mongeon (our librarian), Ms. Korb (principal) or myself.  Please let me know if you rather your child not ride in a car driven by their leader.

  I hope you have a great week.

April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016

Good Morning,

  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  This morning we welcomed a new student to our classroom. His name is Graycen Van  Solkema and he is coming from the Sharon Elementary School.   He enjoys Legos and the Red Sox and will fir right in with many of the students who enjoy these things too.

  This morning's science class had the students creating structures with 20 toothpicks and 12 gum drops.  They were asked to use their newly learned concepts of engineering to create a structure that can bear weight.  Tomorrow we will test the strength of their structures.  As a reminder form last week's post, I can use any newspapers that you might have at home.


*Our artist in residency starts next week.  Our scheduled times are Wednesday 4/6 at 10:30, Wednesday 4/13 at 12:30, Thursday 4/14 at 9:10 and Friday 4/15 at 10:30.

*Our Flynn Trip is next Thursday, April 14th.  Kids will need a cold lunch that day.  On Monday, April 11th, I will send home a form for kids to order a bagged lunch from school (if they desire).

Have a great week.

April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016

Good  Morning,
  Lots of stuff going on here at the Waitsfield School.  This afternoon, we will brave the weather, and head over to the Valley Players to watch our 5th and 6th graders perform the Lorax.  They have dedicated a good chunk of time to this and are ready to perform it Live!  Needless to say, we didn't have any reading or writing this afternoon and your child doesn't have their Weekly News.

  I have changed directions on our engineering unit.  We are going to start building out towers next week but will be using newspaper instead.  If anyone can pick up a few extra 7 days  or any other free paper or if you have older papers, please send them in.

  We will be headed to the Flynn Theater on Thursday, April 14th.  It doesn't look like the dance troupe will be able to visit beforehand.  They are not getting into Vermont until the the afternoon of the 13th.  Our schedule will be a little weather dependent that day.  If it is nice out, we will leave at 10:00 and head to Burlington.  Once there we will eat in the park across the street from the Flynn and then head to the 12:00 show.  If the weather is less than desirable, we will eat at school and then head up.  Unfortunately that will mean the kids are eating at 10:15 a.m.

The school's artist in residency program will start up next week too.  Here is a description of the residency (In Kaiya's Words).  This year’s artist residency again taps into the skills of our local potters and take full advantage of the new kiln the PTA has helped the school purchase. We will once again have Leslie Montalto join students to guide them in learning techniques with clay and creating bowls. The residency will include a day of field trips, on Friday 4/15, where students have an opportunity to choose a sight/activity to join.
We will combine this residency with a focus on hunger issues in Vermont, celebrating the creation of our bowls with an ice cream social (fill your empty bowl with icecream) to be held on May 19th, in conjunction with our spring concert.

  I hope you all have a great weekend.
