June 15, 2014

June 16, 2014

Good Morning,

  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  I am sorry I didn't post on Friday.  I had a meeting (during Art) and it totally slipped my mind.  We have a fun but busy week ahead of us.

Monday:  I will lead a math lesson for my entire class.  I will be conducting a tangram activity.  We will start Field Days around 12:00.  DOn't forget our presentation night is at 6:00 in the cafeteria.

Tuesday:  Pen Pal Field trip.  We will leave school around 8:30 and will aim to be back around 1:30ish.  Please remember to pack a peanut free snack and lunch.  No one asked for a school lunch so I assume everyone is all set.

Wednesday:  I will not be in the building.  Last Thursday, I received an email from the White House requesting my presence for Wednesday.  I have been asked as part of my math work this year.  Kaiya was kind enough to approve my absence and I will fly to DC after our field trip on Tuesday.  I will fly home Wednesday night so that I can be at school for the last day.

Thursday:  We will have a morning assembly and then our class celebration.  So far I have hummus and veggies, juice pouches, and paper products.  Please let men know if you can contribute something else.  If you bake something, could you just let me know if there is any dairy product in it.

This will be the last post for the year.  I hope you all have a wonderful summer and I thank you for a great year!


June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014

Good Morning,

This week will wrap up our regular classroom routine and Friday will mark the last day of math.  Next week will look like this:

Monday:  Prepare for Monday Evening's Presentation Night (morning).  Field Days (afternoon).  Students should wear clothing that can get wet, shoes that they can run around in, and have sunscreen applied before arriving to school.

Tuesday:  Field trip to see our Pen Pals and trip to Ben and Jerry's.  Students will need to bring a nut free snack and lunch.  Sunscreen would be a good idea too.  We will be leaving school around 8:30.

Wednesday:  Brook Regatta @9:30.

Thursday:  Assembly and Class Party

I would like to have a class party/healthy brunch (in lieu of snack) on the last day of school.

I am looking for donations of plates, plastic utensils, cups, juice, and food.  We do have a dairy allergy in the classroom.    Please let me know if you can donate something.  

Have a great day.



June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Good Morning,
  Nine Days and Counting!  This week wii mark the start of the 2nd grade presentations.  Below is the schedule for them.  Your child should bring their materials in the day of their presentation.  The students will read their report out loud and then present their project.

2nd Grade Presentations:  Below is the schedule of the 2nd grade presentations.  This is the day their project should be brought into school.  Please don't send it in early (no room for them).

6/11  Jude @ 7:50 a.m.

6/13  Logan W. @ 8:00, Anna @10:00, Lily @ 1:10

6/16  Tessa@7:45 a.m., Bella @10:00

6/18  Miles @ 8:00

On Friday, the kids will be gluing and painting.  They will be making popsicle stick rafts for our regatta on June 18th.  We will be racing our rafts down the brook and timing each one.  The students will then graph the information.

I hope you have a great week.


June 6, 2014

June 6, 2014

Good Morning,
  This week has been a very busy and productive week.  The students all finished their photo posters and the write ups for them.  They have all completed the end of they year reading, math, writing, and spelling assessments.  Yesterday, Katie Babic joined our class as we planted flowers in our assigned garden spot.  A lot of weeding, mulching, and planting.

  Today, we watched Mr. Hubbard's class present their class play.  It was a wonderful play and his students were awesome!

  You may have noticed that I didn't send homework home this week.  I know this was a busy week for many of the students (as far as after school commitments) and I decided to give not add the burden of homework to the mix.  The kids have been doing a lot of reading during the 1:1 assessments and I felt like this would cover the gap of not reading at night.  Next week will be the last week of reading homework.  The kids will have ebooks of choice each evening.

I will see a lot of you on Saturday at Johnson.  Have a great weekend.

Mr. Young

June 2, 2014

Jume 3, 2014

Good Afternoon,
  Today the students worked on their posters for the photo project. Almost everyone now has all of their pictures attached and are ready to start writing their narratives.  The posters are looking great and I think the students are feeling excited about the project presentation.

  There is no homework tonight.  We spend the whole day working on the posters and I didn't meet with any reading groups.

  There will be a substitute in tomorrow.  I will be in the building but finishing up some 1:1 testing.  Sara Hughes will be the substitute.

  2nd Grade Presentations:  Below is the schedule of the 2nd grade presentations.  This is the day their project should be brought into school.  Please don't send it in early (no room for them).

6/11  Jude @ 7:50 a.m.


6/13  Logan W. @ 8:00, Anna @10:00, Lily @ 1:10

6/16  Tessa@7:45 a.m.

6/18  Miles @ 8:00

Have a great week.
