March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

Good Evening,

  I found out that Google has opened up some of their software for people to use for free. One feature is their augmented reality stuff.  Check out the visitor in our classroom today.

  Please watch this video on how to hand in finished work and pick up new work.  There seems to be some confusion, there is also a new procedure (for all students)and I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page.  I also explain some of the Lexia/Core 5 sheets that may come home.  I use videos because it is quicker and you can go back to them anytime.  If you get the blog feed via email, you will have to go to to see the video.

Today's Links:
Morning Meeting 3/31/30
Live Writing Lesson 3/31/30

Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting at 9:00

That is all for now.  Have a great evening.


March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020

Good Afternoon,
Students working during the 1st day of school
  I hope this finds all of you well, healthy, and in some kind of groove as we start another week of virtually living with almost everything we all do.  Since I don't have any new photos to add, I thought I would start posting a photo or two from things we have done this year.  Might be fun to see if kids can remember what he/she/they might have been doing. 

Today's Morning Meeting Link:
Morning Meeting 3/30/20

Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @ 9:00
Live writing instruction @ 10:00 :  The focus will be learning how to create table of contents.

Helpful Links:
I thought I would start posting helpful links for people looking for new and/or other ways of offering access to your children.  Today, Libby shared with me about an online PE class she does each day.  Here is the link if you want to check it out.  Mike (Libby's dad), said that the teacher posts soemthing new each day.

Online PE Class

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a great evening.

Mr. Young

March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020

A view of our virtual morning meeting
Good Afternoon,

  Well we survived our first week of "distance learning."  I have been impressed with how comfortable so many of the kids are with the online conversations.  I thought today's morning meeting had a great flow and very relaxed feel.
I have been so happy that these meetings are happening.  I think it is important to give the students a chance to interact with their peers and myself.  I also enjoy the conversations that are coming out of these meetings.  Once again, I really appreciate all of your efforts in helping your child access the online opportunities as well as your work with them as they complete the work that has been assigned.

Today's Videos
We only have one video today.  The video is of this morning's morning meeting.  Please click this link to watch the meeting.

How to Access?
I wanted to post this video one more time.  It is a tutorial on how to access all of your child's distance learning work related information.

Monday's Schedule:
Online Morning Meeting @ 9:00

Students should also:
*Write in their writing books
*Complete a Zearn lesson
*Work from their reading books
*Core 5

That is all for now.

Mr. Young

March 26, 2020

March 26, 2020

Good Evening,
  As I am writing this post, news of the Governor's decision is spreading across social media and reactions are all over the place.  I am no expert with the decisions they have to make to keep our whole state safe but I understand the school directive.

  We are in this "new norm" for much longer than we had hoped for and much longer than we thought we would have to be.  The initial attempt for the continued education had a focus of maintaining their levels for a short period.  As a whole we will now have to see this as a long term solution as we move forward.  The decision may not necessarily change what your child's work load looks like but it puts more of an importance on us making sure each child is accessing and completing the work.  As we know, each decision can change one way or another two days after it was made.  This directive give us a focus as we prepare next steps.

  I was on a video chat with 15 teachers from all across the country, this evening.  Hearing the position that so many kids are in from other parts of the country, I feel blessed for our students and our district.  We now have devices in the hands of each family (that wanted one), The Valley has benefitted from Waitsfield Telecom getting access to each child who needs it by getting internet in their homes.  We have brave workers getting food to kids who need it.  We have teachers creating ways to reach each of their students, and thinking about their learning, success, and overall care both day and night.  There is so much more that is happening and I do not mean to leave anyone out.  What I have seen from my colleagues makes me truly proud to be part of our school, our district, and our community.

  I know each decision that is made by our state and federal government most likely adds a new hurdle in your day to day lives.  I wish I had the power to eliminate these hurdles but the reality is I don't.  I can only offer that I am here if you need me, I can advise the best I can, and I will continue to put your child's learning and well being in the forefront of all that I do.

Today's Links:
Morning Meeting
Live Writing Instruction Part 1
Live Writing Instruction Part 2

Tuesday's writing lesson will require that the students have a few copies of this document.  I made copies in put them in the pick up box. They are clipped together.  Grab 5 of them.  You can also print it from home by clicking here.

Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting and Read-A-Loud@ 9:00

Zearn Information:
I wanted to offer you a bit more overview on Zearn.  Here is a 15:00 video that breaks it down for teachers.  I do think it gives you a better understanding of why Mr. Hubbard and I are using this program for distance learning.  Please, please reach out if you have any questions.

That is all for now.

March 25, 2020

March 25, 2020

Good Afternoon,
  Here is the link for today's Morning Meeting.  I forgot to hit record at the start so some of it is cut off.

  Please watch the following video on dropping off completed work and picking up new work.  If you have any questions please let me know.

Tomorrow's Schedule:

9:00  Morning Meeting and Read A Loud
10:00 Writing Instruction

Kids should also do a Zearn Lesson and read from their book.


March 24, 2020

Good Morning,
  It's Tuesday and we kept our Tuesday Song dance tradition alive!  Thank you to all that were able to join.   Parents, please don't judge me on my dancing skills.  I promise I am a way better teacher than I am a dancer.

Live writing Instruction:  The live writing instruction will be Every Tuesday and Thursday.  I originally thought Friday (instead of Thursday) but realize that interest may waiver as week progresses.  Your child should be writing on the other days too.  The live lessons are meant to offer instruction on areas that kids can work on on their own writing.

A recording of today's writing lesson can be found by clicking this link.

Today's Morning Meeting was great but I forgot to hit the record button when I started.  Unfortunately, I don't have a recording of today's meeting.

If you come to the Waitsfield School, you will see there are two sets of boxes.  One is a box with my name on it.  This is for new work that I am leaving for your child.  There is also a paper box lid, with my name on it.  This is for you to put completed work in.  As you return stuff, just send me an email or text (email me for my cell # if you don't have it) and I will look over the work, correct it and/or write comments, and send it back if it needs edits or corrections.  I will correct all work and have new work ready with in two days.  I will email you or text once new work is ready for pick up.

*As students finish their writing stories, use the editing sheet with them and feel free to help them edit.  Then send the story in for me to see.

For those wishing to use Typing Club, here is the information in case you missed it.
Waitsfield Elementary School
School Code: waitsfieldschool

9:00 am  Morning Meeting (online):
Rest of Day:  Work on Zearn, Core 5, Reading Book, and Writing

REMEMBER, do what you can and what works for your child and your family.  There is no playbook or best practices when it comes to distance learning and a Pandemic, especially with 1st and 2nd graders.  We offer what we can to provide opportunities, a sense of normalcy, and guidance.  In some ways, doing this allows us to get through these times and to do the work that we truly love to do.


March 23, 2020

Good Afternoon,
  I hope this finds you well.  For those that were able to join us today, it was great to see you.  We will continue to do a daily Morning Meeting and Read- A Loud.  The writing instruction will happen on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  However, the kids should still write on the other school days.  I will record every lesson and morning meeting that I do.  This way you can watch them online.  I will post the links each day on the blog (each one will be a separate youtube link).

  All of the sign in information can be found via our school website or by clicking here.  As a district, we are trying to all use the same platform to share information.  You can always email me at if you have any questions.

*Please Note:  I will start morning meetings and writing lessons promptly as scheduled time.  Since I will be teaching, I don't check my phone and won't be able to reply to emails or texts until after I am done.  To avoid problems, it may be best to log on a few minutes beforehand to avoid any issues.  Remember, if your child can't join on day or needs a break, no worries.  Do what's best for your child and family.

Video Links:

Parent Meeting 3/22/20 @ 9:00 am

Morning Meeting 3/23/20 @ 9:00 am

Tomorrow's Schedule

Morning Meeting/Read A Loud @ 9:00

Live Writing Lesson @ 10:00

Remember, your child should be doing a Zearn Lesson a day, reading from their books daily, writing informational books 3-4 days a week, and Core 5 3 days a week.  Typing Club is optional as well as Prodigy.

That is all for now.  Have a good evening!

Mr. Young

March 18, 2020

Zearn Class Codes

1st Grade Class Code is:  Class Code: ZR6T7Q

2nd Grade Class Code is: Class Code: A53T6B


Waitsfield Elementary School
School Code: waitsfieldschool
Good Morning,
  I wanted to reach out real quickly.  By now, you should have received notice about your child's distance learning plan.  Mr. Hubbard and I also sent out the class code for Zearn (see below).  I apologize for leaving that piece out.  If you have any questions regarding anything, please email me at  If you have a 2nd grade math question, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Hubbard too.

Please watch this video.
