November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

Good Morning,
  I want to start by apologizing for some of the craziness of last week.  Last Sunday night into Monday morning, I had to take my wife to the ER.  On Wednesday, I got a call that she needed me to take her back and left school kind of abruptly.  She is now doing much better and things are returning back to normal.  

  There will be book of choices for reading homework tonight.  This means that the students will choose a book that they either want to read or have red to them.  Some students may choose to continue reading the chapter books that they are currently working on.  There will be no reading log this week (being that it is only for one night).  I will not send homework home during the vacation.  However, I encourage the his to keep reading.

*There is a 1st grade math survey that is being sent home tonight.  Please return it tomorrow.  If you have any math pieces (from your game) please keep them at home in a safe place (maybe a shoe box).  That way you will have the supplies for future use.

*Please make sure that your child has shoes to wear in the classroom.  I really don't want the kids to be wearing boots all day long.

*Parent Conferences are tonight and tomorrow night.  I look forward to seeing you there.  Please remember to bring the report card with you.

  I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys the time with their family and friends.  



November 17, 2013

November 18, 2013

Good Morning,

  This will be the only blog post this week.  I am leaving for South Carolina on Wednesday (after school) and won't be returning to Sunday.  Report Cards will be sent out this week.  I believe they are going home on Wednesday.  There will also not be a video this week because of my absence.


*Parent Conference Sign Up:  I have everyone scheduled with the exception of Jackson, Soren, and Bella.  Could you please look at the online scheduler to pick a time or call Kathy to schedule a time.  I would like this completed by Tuesday of this week.

*It is up to you if you would like your child to attend the parent conference.  I like going over the report card with them but understand that logistically it may not work for everyone.  Also, please bring the report card to your conference.

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.


November 14, 2013

Good Morning,
  Last Thursday was the end of round 1 of the camera project.  Mr. Mongeon and I wanted to speak to the students about the pictures they took and show examples of pictures that will make the reflection project easier to complete.  We also pointed out different angles that students were shooting pictures at and the perspective they offered.

  This week, I spent a lot of Reader's Workshop testing each child's reading level (for report cards).  I did not meet with any groups and that is why some of the first grader's were bringing home choice books.

  Today, wrote in our Weekly New's journals.  I asked the students to talk about their favorite special for the week and to elaborate on what made it so much fun.  Please make sure to read your child's entry and write back to them.

  We also spent some time working on persuasive writing piece.  I wanted the kids to try and make an argument for either reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or going to see the play.

 I hope you have a great weekend.  I am headed to the the zip line at Smuggler's Notch with some of my colleagues from school.  Being that I am afraid of heights, this should be a good test for me.


*If you haven't signed up for a Parent Conference time, please do so.  If you need help with the online aspect of it, please let me know.

*Please note that I will be out next Thursday and Friday.  I am headed to South Carolina for a family Thanksgiving.


November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

Good Morning,
  I hope you had a great weekend.  I would like to thank any and all of you who were able to contribute to the Ski and Skate Sale in some fashion.  It is truly amazing how the community can make such a grand event possible.

 Liezl Cosentino, a senior at GMVS and a former student of mine, will be volunteering in our classroom over the next two days.  SHe is an amazing young woman and the students will enjoy her presence in the room.


*I am out of school on Wednesday.  All of the 1st grade teachers from the district will be participating in a lesson study at Thatcher Brook Primary School.

*We will be traveling to Harwood on Thursday afternoon to watch our 5th and 6th graders perform the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  If you remember, we read this as a read a loud earlier this year.  After the play, I will be asking the students to write a persuasive piece about which one they liked the best.

*First Grade Math Survey is coming home today.  Please fill it out and return it tomorrow.  Your child will have a new game tomorrow.

Have a great week.


November 8, 2013

November 8, 2013

Good Afternoon,
  This morning the students were each given a spelling test on the sight words that they have been working on in class.  Each kid has their own list of words and new ones are added as old ones are mastered.  The students spend 10-15 minutes each morning (upon arrival) working on these words.
We finished our Morning Meeting with our traditional game of Silent Dodge Ball (Friday Tradition).  The students then wrote in their Weekly News journals.  Please make sure to read through them and write back to your child.  During science, the students each created their own Moon Phase poster.
This afternoon, we had math and Art.

  Here is this week's video:

*Enjoy your weekend and have fun with your family!


November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013

Good Morning,
  Today we had Morning Meeting, Reader's Workshop and an abbreviated Writer's Workshop.  We had lunch early and then the early dismissal.  Today's special was PE.

  Your children do have reading homework tonight.  Some of the kids will be assigned a Time For Kids Magazine.  They should read it tonight.  There will be an assignment about the reading on Thursday evening.

Have a great day.

November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

Good Morning,
  I hoe you had a wonderful weekend.  My daughter and I ran in a very cold 5k in South Burlington on Sunday morning.  However, it was a lot of fun and she did great.  I am trying to run 1 race a month for a year.  I might need some suggestions for a warm February one.

  Today, the students shopped for their new books for their read to self bags.  We had Reader's and Writer's workshop in the morning.  This week I will review/introduce the students to the concept of using powerful/descriptive words in their writing.  I call these words "Spicy Cheez-It" words.  On Tuesday, your child will find out why.  You will have to ask them about it in Tuesday evening.

On Friday, we had a session with our 5th and 6th grade learning buddies.  The students were asked to work together to build the tallest structure that they could using marshmallows and toothpicks.


*There is a new reading log in your child's bag.  Please make sure it is filled out each evening.  I check these at the end of each week and if it is completely filled out the student gets a sticker for their album.

*1st Grade Math:  You should continue to play the game that was sent home last week.  I will send home the survey next Monday and a new game a week from tomorrow.

*If you are going to be away the week of Thanksgiving and will be missing our parent conference, could you please let me know this week.  I have already heard from one family and just want to know about any others.

*I will be traveling on the 21st and 22nd of November.  I will be headed to South Carolina to see my siblings and parents.  My brother Kenny just got back from Afghanistan and we are gathering as a family.

*Remember there is an Early Release Day on Wednesday.

*Please send back your Winter Sports Form. I am missing 5.

Have a great week!


November 1, 2013

Good Morning,
  We had a great trip to the Flynn and the performance was well worth the trip.  I think the students enjoyed the level of engagement the dancers asked of each of them.  Many of the kids were talking about the dance moves they learned throughout the day.  On the way home, I "suggested" that each kid may want to get in a nap in order to be fully ready for trick or treating.

Today we met with our 5/6 grade learning buddies and worked with toothpicks and marshmallows on a design tech challenge.

  I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy this week's video.
