May 31, 2013

May 31, 2013

Good Afternoon Everyone,

This week, we have spent a lot of time in the computer lab working on our celebration projects.  Students have been typing, editing and adding their voice to each final project. 

Writing time was a busy part of the day with many children working on different literature projects.  I also finished up the 1st grade math testing.  I will start conducting the 1st and 2nd grade reading tests next week.  

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Here are some pictures from yesterday.

May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

Good Morning,
  We spent most of our morning work time focusing on the variety of projects that each student has going on.  Between reading groups, writing, recording of social studies projects, and reports each child had quite a bit to do.  I also continued assessing the 1st grade kids on their math abilities.  This afternoon we started our final science unit.  The focus of this unit is how things change over time and how living things can be similar and different.


*2nd graders have a note in their bag about their presentation dates and times. There is also a rubric for how they will be scored.

*Here is the list of people chaperoning the "Cruise on Lake Champlain:
Adam Cook, Lana Kenyon, Peter Hans, Lindsay Jernigan, Ben Liston, Alison Rugar, and Kelvey Wilson
I encourage you to contact each other and set up a carpool or two.

*REMINDER:  The Rosetta Stone people will be filming the class tomorrow morning.

Have a great day.

May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013

Good Evening,

  I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.  It was certainly nice to get a sunny day in.  My wife and I spent the weekend doing tons of outdoor yard work.  After 70 bags of mulch, 2 mows of the lawn, and a bit of time int he garden, I am ready tog et back to work.

  We will be testing students math, reading, and spelling ability during this week and next.  Please do your best to make sure your child is at school each day.  There will be reading homework each night.  Below is Mrs. Lea's post from Friday and some pictures from the day.

  Have a great week.


Hello Everyone, 

The end of this week was definitely an exciting one.

I am proud of our class, and how well they sang at Thursday night's concert.  I am also proud of how respectful of an audience they were for the other classes that performed. 

On Friday morning we attended an assembly led by Mr. Hubbard's class.  Many of his students shared their keynote presentations about celebrations from around the world.

Friday afternoon the first and second graders explored geometry in a combined math class.  We used Geoblocks to build structures and sculptures in teams and pairs.

I hope you all had a relaxing three day weekend!



P.S. If your child has come home with an extra blue raincoat, please let us know.

May 22, 2013

May 22, 2013

Good Morning,

  Please remember that we have our spring concert tomorrow evening.  Please be in the school gymnasium by 5:55.  We have had a change of plans with our distribution of frogs.  Please read the note below.

Dear Parents, 
            Yesterday, we spent the day talking to a few biologists both from the State of Vermont and the company that we purchased our tadpoles from.  We are sorry to say there was a misunderstanding regarding our class frogs.  While the Northern Grass Frog is native to this area, it cannot be kept as a pet, despite some of you signing forms saying that these animals will never be released into the wild. The state was very grateful that we checked into this. The school science supply company has also apologized for not recognizing our state’s policy on keeping these creatures as pets, and has added Vermont to its no sale list for these raise-a-frog kits.    
            This morning we talked to the students and explained the situation and the decision. We talked about it being in the best interest of our ecosystem that these frogs not be sent home as pets.  We also discussed ways that students could collect local tadpoles and raise them at home.  It really became a great learning experience for all of us.
            We apologize for any problems this may cause at home.  Please contact us if you have any questions.   

Thank you, 

Tom and Britta

I hope you have a great day.


May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013

Good Morning,
  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  It sounds like the Arts Festival was a huge success.  For those of you who were able to participate, I hope you had a great time.  Mrs. McDonough worked extremely hard to organize this event, and her vision was instrumental in this.  Please make sure to thank her for her time and effort.

I have to admit that, I spent a little time this weekend thinking about the next four weeks.  We have quite a bit of work to complete and will be quite busy.  Students will be working on their Celebration Projects, reports, narratives, a new science unit, the end of year math, reading and spelling assessments, and a variety of special events (i.e. Vermont Symphony, field trip, field days, and a handful of assemblies).  

News and Notes:

*This Thursday is the spring music performance presented by Mr. Hill.  Mr. Hill likes to use this opportunity to exhibit the work that he has done with his students.  The show starts at 6:00 and should be around an hour long.  Please be in the gym by 6:00.  Would you please let me know if your child will not be there on Thursday evening.

*Tuesday, May 21:  The VSO will be visiting our school with a special woodwind presentation.  The assembly will be from 10:15-11:15.

*Wednesday, May 22:  Spring Musical Rehearsal from 1:00-2:15.  

*Second Graders:  Please send back your report project form.

Have a great week.


May 17, 2013

May 17, 2013

Good Morning,
  We used this morning to finish up and/or work on a variety of writing assignments and assessments.  The students did a fantastic job and were quite productive and focused.

  Second Graders:  Each second graders will be brining home a note about their research project.  Could you please read through it, fill it out, and return it to school on Monday.

**This weekend is the Bridge Street Arts Festival.  There are a lot of events for the kids including a bike parade on Saturday.  I encourage everyone to get out and enjoy the fun.

A JOB WELL DONE by everyone.  I appreciate the quick return of all of the forms that went home this week.  Thank you for you help with this.

Have a great weekend.


May 15, 2013

May 15, 2013

Good Morning,

  We have a few things going on both at our school and in our classroom.  Please take note of the following information:

1.  FIELD TRIP/CRUISE:  As mentioned earlier, we will be headed to Burlington with our pen pals on Tuesday, June 11th.  The cost is $6.75 and is due by tomorrow.  I still need money from Amy, Bella, Azailea, and Lily.  Again, any parents are welcomed but you will also have to pay the $6.75.

2.  Rosetta Stone:  The Rosetta Stone Language Company will be coming to our classroom near the end of May.  All of the teachers involved in the Brazil Fellowship have been using their software to study the Portuguese language.  I have been chosen to be one of their focus classrooms/teachers for the fellowship.  They would like to interview me and film me working with students.  In your child's homework bag is an envelope that outlines the goals for the project and a waiver/release form.  Would you please take time to look at it and send it back to me tomorrow.  I am fine if you choose to allow your child or not allow your child to be part of it.  I just need to have the forms back.  I appreciate your help with this.

3.  Frogs:  Your child will also have a note from Mrs. Lea regarding our classroom frogs.  Please take a look at the note and respond if you are interested.

4.  Homework:  We will continue to have homework through June 7th (Exception of performance evenings).  Please make sure your child completes the assignments and reading log each night.  As a parent of two busy children of my own, I understand how busy May and June get.  However, please help your child plan time each day for the work.

5.  Presentation Night:  Our class will have a presentation evening on the night of June 6th, @ 6:00.  I wanted to do it the following week, but knew that GMPA has a ton of rehearsals that week.  During this presentation, the students will exhibit their Celebrations/Traditions projects, and we will have a few other items to present as well.

6.  Current and Future Items:  Bike Walk Challenge (currently going on), School Garden (after Memorial Day), Bridge Street Arts Festival (this weekend).

Have a great day.


May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013

Good Afternoon,
Today John Atkinson led an assembly about bike safety.  This was a fun way to kick off our Walk & Ride Challenge Week.  In an effort to reduce our schools carbon footprint, we are encouraging students and staff to walk, ride or carpool to school.  Students will keep track of how people arrive.  The school with the greatest participation will win the Carbon Cup award. 
       We will begin working on our final celebration projects.  We are asking that each student bring in or email a photo of the person they are creating a celebration for.  Reminder notes are in homework bags.  
I hope you have a wonderful evening.
*We are asking for $6.75 from each student for our Pen Pal field trip. Please let us know if you have any questions about the trip or the cost.
*Bridge Street Art Fair is May 18th from 2:00-8:00.

May 10, 2013

Happy Friday!

To celebrate the last day of our Foods Arts Residency Program we attended an all school assembly.  We watched a slide show from the week that had pictures from every location students visited.  A food court was set up and everyone was able to taste all of the foods that different groups learned about during the week.

In science, students worked to complete pamphlets about frogs and life cycle books.  Next week will will have the end of unit assessment and start our final science unit for the year.

We have planned a Pen Pal Field Trip for June 11th.  The YELLOW information slips are in your students backpack.  In order to get a check made out (from the board), I must collect all of the money by May 16th.  

If you have any questions about the field trip or the $6.75 cost of the trip please let us know.

Have a wonderful weekend!

May 8, 2013

May 8, 2013

Good Morning,
  We have had a great start to our residency program.  Yesterday, I had a the pleasure of sitting with the group that chose beekeeping.  Gib Geiger spoke to the group for almost 90 minutes and they were totally captivated.  I was amazed how much I didn't know about bees.  They are truly a fascinating insect.

  We also worked on the concept of illustrating narratives and including the major elements in our pictures.  The students were asked to illustrate a story that we wrote as a group.  Today, they will be asked to start their own narratives.

  Tomorrow, we will be headed to the Ward's Farm.  The weather may be a little wet.  Please have yoru children dress for success!

  Have a great day.


May 6, 2013

Happy Monday,
 Today was the first day of our Food Arts Residency program.  Our class was split among three different activities.  The first group of students spent the morning shucking and learning about beans that grow in Vermont.  The second group cooked delicious Butternut Squash and Kale Quesadillas as well as Falafels.  Our third group of students spent the morning at Kingsbury Farm.  They learned about growing the vegetables used to make pizza. 

 Please check the GREEN sheet that went home with your student on Friday to see what activities they will be participating in tomorrow. 
 On Thursday the whole class will be visiting a local farm together.  During an assembly on Friday morning students will share what they have learned in each group and have an opportunity to taste some of the delicious food that comes from the Mad River Valley. 
HOMEWORK:  There will be no homework this week.  The residency and early release day have changed our schedule quite a bit.  Therefore, read books from home (if you choose) and look for a new math game next week.
*I recommend that you apply sunblock to your child each morning. 

Have a great week.
