June 16, 2023

June 16, 2023

 Good Afternoon,

WOW! I am currently sitting in my empty classroom and as I look around, I can;t help but think Wow! This completes year 27 for me and I have to say that it was one of my favorite years ever. These kids, this class, and you parents made it for such a rewarding experience and I am grateful for all of it.  I truly appreciate all of you. 

Last week I was able to get another classroom project funded on Donor's Choose. This was a $600 project that had new books and games for the class.  I want to thank Horace Mann for funding the whole thing.  This past Wednesday, the kids had a chance to play and tryout all of these games (see pictures).  They had a blast doing it.

I want to thank all of you for the very generous gifts that I received from all of you.  That was beyond kind and generous. I will certainly find a show or two to attend.  

I want to thank you again for a wonderful year and I hope you all have a great summer.


Mr. Young