November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014

Good Morning,
  This week we had been working on stories that focus on small moments.  The students are learning to pick a specific moment and then explode it by writing in detail about the event.  In science, the students have investigated who force can effect an object, created testable questions, and write conclusions about their results.  The first graders (in math) have been focusing on solving story problems, and the subtraction concept.  The second graders have focused on using number grids to solve unknown equations and story problems.

  Our Flynn trip is fast approaching.  Each student will need to bring in $3.00 for the trip.  Checks can be made out to Waitsfield Elementary School.  I would like to collect this money before the Thanksgiving Break.  Please let Kaiya or I know if the $3.00 presents a challenge.  We will not need chaperones for this trip.  We have a limited number of seats and the Flynn has it organized to a "T."

Conferences:  Please make sure that your child comes to the conference (for the first 5 minutes).  They are welcome to hang out in the classroom or the gym afterwards.  I am skiing that you also bring the report card to the conference.  I will use it to talk with your child.

I hope you have a great weekend.
