November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I find that I love the holidays that are with family and don’t require the stress of gifts but rather the focus of traditions. I hope you all enjoyed your child’s Thanksgiving writing about traditions and things that each child was thankful for. It will be a very quick stretch between now and the December break. This stretch is packed with learning, school-wide events and the family traditions and celebrations that come with this time of year.

Ms. Fornaby will be solo teaching in the classroom for the next two weeks. This is a requirement for her to get her teaching license. Ms. Fornaby and I have spent a lot of time (throughout this semester) getting her ready for this time. I want you to know that the kids are in great hands. Sarah is one of the most talented student teachers that I have ever had. She has amazing classroom management skills and a calm demeanor both of which the students enjoy and thrive with. I can still be reached by email and please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

*Feel free to have your child bring a pair of sneakers to leave in the classroom during the winter months. I think it is easier for you to not have to worry about packing them each day. We sit on the floor a lot in our classroom and it means dry bottoms if no one is wearing boots on the carpet.

*Please label all of your child’s winter gear with their name. Stuff gets left behind, dropped, and/or forgotten about and I know it can be both frustrating and expensive to have to keep replacing kids items. A name on an item can help us return it to the rightful owner.

*We go outside for recess almost everyday. Your child will go out wearing whatever it is they brought for winter items. Please make sure they have gloves and a hat. Also, they need boots or they will be required to stand on the blacktop area during recess. Thanks for your help with all of these winter essentials.

That is all for now. Have a great week.
