January 17, 2022

January 17, 2022

 Good Evening,

  I am sorry I am just getting to Friday's post today.  Report card week is always a bit hectic and it consumes a lot of our free time.  I hope everyone had a chance to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather today.  We had some meetings this morning but I spent quite a bit of time just playing in the snow and soaking in the beauty of the day.

Last week, Mr. Cadwell (Parker) led a morning meeting and a math activity.  You may have heard that we had a visitor watching him teach.  This was Parker's professor from St. Michael's College and will be in a few times during his student teaching placement.  Mr. Cadwell will be starting his social studies unit on Friday.  He will write a description about this on this coming Friday's blog post.  

This past week the students did a variety of assessments that we use as one piece to determine how your child is progressing.  Some of the test are done as a whole group using i-pads, some were done in small group and some were done one on one with me or another teacher.  I want to thank Mrs. Wright and Ms. Figdor for their help with this testing.  

Ms Figdor also reports that last week in math, "This week in second grade math we continued to work with the U.S. Standard measurement system. We continued to measure objects around the classroom using benchmark tools such as tiles. Then, students made their own rulers and used them to measure. At the end of the week we used yardsticks to measure the length of our classroom. We discussed success criteria needed in order to make accurate measurements. These included making sure the measurement tool was lined up along the edge of the object as well as making sure that they started measuring from zero. On Wednesday the students took the star 360 diagnostic math assessment. I was blown away by how well they did on this assessment and what incredible growth they have made in the area of mathematics this year."

*Report cards will be sent home on Wednesday of this week. Please look for them in your child's back pack.  

*We will be skiing this week. We should certainly have plenty of snow. Please remember that homework bags are not sent home on Wednesdays during winter sports program.

I hope you all have a great week.


Mr. Young