May 22, 2024

May 21, 2024

 Good Afternoon,

  We just finished our  final day of the Inspiration Hour events. It is so awesome to see how much the students loved their experiences. During our Morning Meeting, the students were telling me how excited they were for the afternoon. We will spend some time writing Thank You notes to the group leaders during our literacy block (tomorrow).

  The final day of school is June 14th.  I have a physical at 8:00 am that morning. I will be in that day around 9:15ish. Typically, I do a breakfast for the kids on the last day (instead of a sugar party). I have decided to do this on June 13th instead. This way  it won't be rushed and I will have time to make pancakes for the kids. There will be a sign up sheet for items needed (this will come out next week).

 I am going to go a different route and write a little bit about our district's budget vote that is coming up on May 30th.  I am very concerned about several things, but the one that really stuck with me was the lack of voters in the last vote.  Waitsfield only had around 500 of the 1,5000 registered voters voice an opinion last time. If you voted, Thank You!. If you didn't vote, I ask that you  please do this time. Along with voting, I ask that you host a discussion in your home or at a park about the budget. It would be nice to get more people involved in something that impacts so many.  I will be voting "yes" for the third attempt at this budget.  I hope many more do as well. However, I am just asking you all to please get involved, become aware, and please vote! 


*The Scholastic Book orders arrived yesterday and were sent home. I gave each child a canvas bag to put them in.  Please return the bag to school.

*The whole school student body has earned another celebration because of their behavior and collection of We Rock Tickets.  This will happen at 2:00 this Friday. There will be a variety of game type options offered to the students. 

*The Thursday and Friday afternoon classroom volunteers will end on May 31st.  The Math and writing volunteers will end on Friday June 7th.  I want to thank all of the volunteers for their help and dedication this year.  I hope you know how impactful your time in our classroom is.  The students and I are truly fortunate for this.  Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Have a great weekend!

