August 30, 2024

August 30, 2024

Good Afternoon,

I hope this finds all of you doing well.  We have had a great start to the year.  This is my 28th week of school as a professional and I always find the "newness" and excitement to be very rewarding. I hope your child is excited as I am and finding things they are already excited about.

This week we introduced some of the basic expectations of the school and some norms of the classroom. This involves a lot of modeling and practicing.  I find front loading allows for a very smoothly run classroom during the year. We have also worked on learning each other's names and connecting with peers in our classroom. We have one new student (to our school) and the class has worked really diligently to connect with this individual.

I have talked a lot about "leadership" with the 2nd graders. I have explained that their job isn't to do the work for the 1st graders but rather be great examples and help when something might be needed (i.e. reading the morning question). This is the beauty of the multi-age classroom and it allows great peer to peer interactions and student voice.

One of the goals of the first few weeks is to fill the room with kids work. I want to make it feel like it's their space. This week the kids made a banner that highlights some facts about them.  We have also been working on owl posters that allow us to get to know each other. I also use these type of projects to push them to do their best work.  It is something that I establish right away, as an expectation of mine. By doing it through art, it takes away the fear and worries of having to fix "written academic work." 

On Tuesday, we started our first math class. As a reminder, the 1st graders all have math with me.  The 2nd graders have math with Mr. Hubbard. Ms. Beattie will be conducting booster group work with both math classes during the slotted math time.  

This week also allowed us to get a sight word assessment completed and a letter ID assessment for those who needed it.  The students started their handwriting practice. During the first 5-6 weeks we will introduce or review the correct starting spots for each letter. This work will allow me to see who needs continued practice and who is ready to move on to keyboarding practice. This practice is review for all of my 2nd graders but it allows me to hold them accountable when expecting their best work and neat writing. 

I read a bunch of books, to the class, during our read a loud times. This week's titles are as follows (I have linked recorded readings of these in case you would like to listen to them with your child).  

The Day You Begin

School's 1st Day of School

First Day Jitters

Our Class is Our Family

This School Year Will Be the Best

The Wonky Donkey

Cats Don't Like That

A Letter From Your Teacher


*Please make sure your child is in the classroom by 7:40. If that means adjusting your morning routine by 5 minutes, please do so. This is something that is important to me and the ability to allow your child's morning to start in the way you would want. I appreciate all of your efforts. As a parent of two, I remember how mornings aren't always easy but good planning can go a long way. 

*I will have opportunities for parents to sign up to be classroom volunteers.  They will start in October. I will send home a sign up sheet next week.

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a great long weekend.  It was a great first week and I am so excited for week 2.


Mr. Young