May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

Good Morning,

Please read through the following carefully.  This will be the last post that has thorough information about the trips and events coming up.

State House Visit:
  The State House visit is Monday, May 23rd.  We will be leaving school at 9:30.  If you are driving, could you please arrive at 9:15 so we can plan out vehicle space and riders.  We will meet in the State House lobby at 10:30 and be given a tour of the building.  Our ceremony will start at 12:30.  Students should bring a bagged lunch and appropriate garments to walk around outside.  If your child has an umbrella, it may be a good idea to bring.  ATTIRE:  The person in charge of the event asked us to please dress appropriately for the State House visit.  I am leaving that up to you.  Your child should wear what your feel is appropriate.  I will be wearing slacks, a buttoned down shirt, and maybe even a tie.

Oak Ledge Park Trip:
  We will be going to Oak Ledge Park on June 8th.  We will be leaving school around 8:00 a.m. and returning around the end of the day.  We will stop in Waterbury to pick up our pen-pals from Thatcher Brook.  Your child should wear clothes that he/she can run around in and enjoy the day.  There are areas where you can get wet, so please take that into consideration.  Your child will need a water bottle, snack and lunch packed for that day.  If you need the lunch program to provide one, please let Connie know before the day of the event.  I also recommend that you apply sun-screen to your child before they live the house in the morning.  If anyone would like to go on the trip, please let me know.

Spring Concert:
  The concert is scheduled for May 25th at 6:30.  Students should be in the gym between 6:20-6:25.  This is a performance based on the work that the kids have done with Mr. Hill during music class.  I hope you can all attend.

Testing Days:
  I will be testing the kids reading and math on May 26th and 27th.  I need every effort to have the kids in school on those two days.  I appreciate your help with this.

Strega Nona Performance:
  A reminder that we will be presenting our play at two different times,  once for the whole school at the assembly on June 3rd, and the other time is an evening performance for the families of our classroom.  This performance will be on June 7th at  6:00.  We will also have our spaghetti potluck and a short slide show.

Have a great day.