February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

Good Morning,

  Tomorrow is the start of our Bread and Puppet Artist in Residency program.  I want to thank the PTA and the Arts Committee for their efforts in providing our students another year of the residency program.  We are quite fortunate that their is so many offerings for our children and this is yet another example of this.  This year the residency focus will be around community.  This focus will fit nicely with our current study of local history.  Our class is scheduled to meet with the artists on the following dates and times:  Friday the 17th @1:30-2:15, Monday the 20th @8:15-9:00, and Wednesday the 22nd @ 8:15-9:00.  There will be a final presentation on Thursday the 23rd in the afternoon.

  Please make sure to turn in your child's timeline information by the end of the week.  We will be using this information on Monday of next week.

  I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day.
