June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014

Good Morning,

This week will wrap up our regular classroom routine and Friday will mark the last day of math.  Next week will look like this:

Monday:  Prepare for Monday Evening's Presentation Night (morning).  Field Days (afternoon).  Students should wear clothing that can get wet, shoes that they can run around in, and have sunscreen applied before arriving to school.

Tuesday:  Field trip to see our Pen Pals and trip to Ben and Jerry's.  Students will need to bring a nut free snack and lunch.  Sunscreen would be a good idea too.  We will be leaving school around 8:30.

Wednesday:  Brook Regatta @9:30.

Thursday:  Assembly and Class Party

I would like to have a class party/healthy brunch (in lieu of snack) on the last day of school.

I am looking for donations of plates, plastic utensils, cups, juice, and food.  We do have a dairy allergy in the classroom.    Please let me know if you can donate something.  

Have a great day.

