March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016

Good Morning,
  I hope you had a great weekend.  I want to start by thanking all of you for your understanding regarding my absence on Thursday and your flexibility with scheduling conferences.  Last year both of my brothers chose to leave the Marine Corps.  Combined they had 38 years of service.  My brother Jimmy and his family moved back to Vermont last summer.  I am very close with my siblings and their service had limited the time we got to spend together (over the years).  This concert meant a lot to both my brother Jimmy and I and it will be something that we will both always remember doing together.  Again, I thank you for your part in allowing this to happen.

This morning the students finished their Watts' Towers.  The students worked to create their own version and dabbled with the idea that triangles offer the most sturdy structure to build with.

This afternoon the students worked on reading,comprehension, fluency, and sight words.  The students also had PE.  There was no French class today.

I hope you have a great week.
