February 20, 2017

Good Morning,
  I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend.  Although my family was involved or watched 7 basketball games, we still managed to enjoy the spring like weather.  Although, I did measure the kids feet for x-country skiing on Wednesday, my gut tells me the snow might be gone.  Either way, we will go visit our pen pals on Wednesday.

  Today I talked with the students about what a symbol is and what some of the Vermont state symbols are.  We created the first part of our table of contents and wrote our book introductions. Tomorrow we will research some of the symbols as a group and then start writing some of the other chapters of our books.

  FREE LUNCH FRIDAY:  The students have been sitting by table groups, in our classroom, since the start of January.  Each table has been competing for a free lunch.  It is based on the number of WE ROCK tickets that they get for being responsible, engaged, safe, and/or kind.  On Thursday, we will do our final count and the winning table will be provided lunch (pizza) on Friday.

Ms. Ally has been working with the kids on a very exciting and engaging drum unit in PE class.  The kids have found this to be a highlight of their day and even week.  I want to give a big shoutout to Ms. Ally and her creativity as she finds new and invigorating ways to tie in movement and the arts.

I hope you all have a great week.

