September 25, 2020

September 25, 2020

Happy Friday Everyone! We have had a great week and it was certainly nice to have each group for two full days in person. This week I completed the Developmental Spelling Assessment with each student. The results of this will show me where to start with their phonetic instruction. I have all started the reading test with some fo the students. I hope to finish these next week. The results of these tests will allow me to develop a reading group that is a "best fit" for their individual need.

  This week in math, the 2nd graders continued their look at attributes of shapes.  They are learning to use Venn Diagrams to record their sorting results.  The 1st graders continued working on proper numeral formation, worked with addition equations and also looked at the concept of teen numbers being ten and some more.  Wednesday, I asked the students to join me as we read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert.  This read-a-loud was in conjunction with this week's writing prompt.  After reading the book, I introduced the students to an artist named George Seurat.  George is known for his technique of pointillism. I challenged the students to make a picture of a tree in fall, using this technique.  The pictures will hang with their writing prompts out in the hallway.  I chose to use the pointillism technique to work on the students abilities to have to spend time on a piece of work rather than rush through it.  This is a skill that will be called upon throughout the year and it is a great and "safe" way to push them toward that concept.  During our Morning Meetings, this week, I had the students share their Hopes and Dreams for the year.  The students each illustrated their Hope and Dream and they are displayed in our classroom for all to see (see picture).  These represent their first academic goal for the year.  We will also use these to help develop our classroom norms (over the next two weeks).  

I have also displayed each of the student's self portraits that they did back in week 1 of school.  These portraits are also a form of assessment.  I use the book Yardsticks, by Chip Wood as a guide when looking at where students fall developmentally.  It is a book I usually give to my relatives, when they have a child.  I linked it (above) so you can check it out if you wish to purchase one.  However, if you have a baby while your child is in my room, I will buy you one!  It is a win, win.  You get a free book and a baby and I get job security by adding another child to our school system 😉.


*For the Monday/Tuesday in person group, make sure you bring your writing assignment and your fall picture back to school on Monday.

*This week book of choice selections started going home.  I have built an extensive classroom library and love letting the students take home a book of choice.  The choice may be a book that they can read or it may be one they would like read to them.  I only rule is they are always kept in the big Ziploc bag and returned each day your child comes to school.  If even you don't get to read it, keep it in the bag.  If a student brings a book back, that will give them the ability to take another one home.

*DAILY ATTENDANCE:  Anytime your child has an offsite day of learning, he/she must complete the Daily Attendance Form that is found in my Google Classroom.  Please, please do this each time.  

*PHOTO DAY SUCCESS:  Photos have all been taken and since we couldn't do a class picture this year, I took one of each group.  You can find them below.

*Your child is coming home with a glue stick. Please keep this in a spot where they can access it when needed. We will be using them throughout the year. If you can show them how to use them, it will prevent a big glob of glue from getting everywhere. Your child will also need a few fall colored leaves for this activity. Can you have them grab some over the weekend.

That is all for now.  I hope you have a great weekend.


Mr. Young