September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

Good Afternoon,

I hope this finds all of you well and full of stories, from your child, about the 1st week of school.  We are off to a great start and this group is coming together rather quickly. This week has been a mix of learning expectations, learning how to use tools, kids learning names, and learning about each other.  The students have been working on posters about themselves and have been presenting their information to each other.  These posters will be hanging up during our Open House in September.  

We have read a variety of picture books this week including The Book With No Pictures, Hello My Name is, Pout Pout Fish, It's okay to be different and Chairs on Strike. I have to say one of my favorite books is The Book With No Pictures by BJ Novak.  It's all in the presentation by the reader but kids will absolutely be hysterical by the end of the book.  Check it out with your child.

I wanted to review the 1st 20 minutes of each day.  As I said during conferences, it is a chance for kids to come in, connect with me, have breakfast/snack, and connect with their friends.  The doors of the school open at 7:30 and the time goes until our meeting at 7:50.  Students must be in the room by 7:40.  If your child arrives after 7:40 it makes it challenging for them to access this important time. Please do everything you can to have them in school by 7:40.  Obviously things come up and appointments happen,  This is not what I am referring too. 
*The book bags will start going home each day starting on Tuesday.  Please talk to your child about establishing a routine to pack them up and putting them in their backpacks before they go to bed each evening.

*As the weather starts to cool, it is helpful to have your child bring a sweatshirt/fleece to wear at school.  We have the windows open as much as we can in the classroom.

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a great weekend.  
