September 15, 2022

September 16, 2022

Good Morning,

Well a five day week went just as fast as the four day weeks have. We have had a very productive week with a lot of development with our classroom culture, norms, and expectations. This week we talked about why we come to school.  We used this discussion to talk about what academic goal each kid will want to set to start the year. The students then illustrated their goal, colored them in and they are displayed in the classroom. 

We have rules! Well, I like to call them norms, not because I liked Cheers as a kid but rather because they represent the normal expectations for all of the students and teachers in our classroom. We started with a conversation about what each student would need in order to accomplish their Hope and Dream (their goal) that they set to start the year. The class came up with over 25 rules that they wanted. I asked them if they thought they could remember 25 rules or if there was a better way to do it where we still kept everyone's needs in place. A second grader suggested that we combine them and another child added that we should put all of the similar ones together. After doing that we came up with 5 Classroom Norms. Yesterday I showed them the poster of our rules and each kid signed the poster. By signing, they agreed to follow these norms to allow everyone to learn and achieve their academic goals

The students have continued working on modeling expected behaviors in both social and academic situations. The students have been practicing their reading group rotations and we have been building stamina by adding the amount of time each day. Before we start we talk about our roles during Lexia and Read to Self. After we practice, we gather to discuss all the good things that happened during that time. Again this is all part of the Responsive Classroom approach and helps build a cooperative classroom with shared ownership and understandings.

A few years ago, one of my classes asked if we could have a tree in our classroom. Through the use of a big branch, a bag of Quikrete, and a 5 gallon bucket, we had our tree trunk and branches. Each year, I have had kids paint and add fall colored leaves to this tree to add to the beauty of this tree. On Wednesday, the kids each painted two or three leaves for the tree.  It certainly adds a nice fall tone to the room.


I am excited to announce that we are able to allow volunteers in the classroom again. We will start inviting volunteers into the classroom in October. If you would like to volunteer, see me during open house.  I will have sign up forms for you there. Please note that we will have a quick volunteer meeting (after school) prior to the start of volunteers coming into the classroom.


*Just a reminder that the Scholastic Book Order is due by Friday, September 23rd. If you would like to order books, please go to With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS). Please share the Class Page link to extended family and friends. All orders also earn FREE Books for our class.

*Overall kids are doing a great job with their homework bags and bringing the bag and book back each day. Thank you all for you help with this. Making it part of their daily routine helps them to take responsibility for it at home. 

*Ski and Skate Sale Volunteers are still needed.  This is our school's only fundraiser and it is amazing what the PTA can fund, provide, and contribute to because of the proceeds from this sale. To volunteer, please click here. In addition to the general positions we are also looking for individuals that have marketing skills, event planning skills,photography skills or artistic skills to help make the sale come alive. If you have ANY of these skills please reach out to the Ski and Skate team at

*Open House will be next Wednesday, 9/21, from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Open House is an opportunity for students to give their families a tour of the place where they spend much of their waking hours, introducing the adults and environments the connect with every day.

*Field Trip:  We will be going on a field trip with Mr. Hubbard's class on Wednesday, September 21st. We will be headed to Adam's Apple Orchard in Williston. This year we will be looking at traditions and celebrations that we take part in as a school community, as families, as a state and as a nation. One of my favorite traditions is apple picking in September. We will not be asking for volunteers for this trip but stay tuned for other volunteer opportunities. The fee for the trip is covered in our school budget.  Each kid will get a small bag of apples to bring home. Please either have your kids sign up for a cold lunch or send them with a home lunch that day. 

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mr. Young