January 29, 2023

January 29, 2023

 Good Morning,

  I am sorry I am only getting to this now.  Friday flew by and yesterday I just enjoyed the beautiful day.  It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of January.  The January through February time is such a fun teaching block and it's amazing how much we can get done during this block. With that said, let's get to the week in review.

The students were able to celebrate the success of collecting over 1,000 We Rock tickets (as a whole school). This earned them a chance to participate in a mini winter carnival celebration on Tuesday morning. It is always great to see the kids gathering as one and enjoying time with each other.

The kids continued their persuasive writing pieces this week.  The focus was on using pictures (from the text) to help describe a favorite part of a book.  Our discussion focused on how sometimes the pictures tell parts that the words might not mention.

This week's science focus was on sound waves and how light helps us see things.  On Thursday, the students learned about sound waves and vibrations.  We read a book about the topic and discussed how sound is a form of energy. We conducted an investigation where we put a tray of salt in front of a speaker and then blasted the base. The kids then wrote about what happened. Their observations were great but their reactions to the sound waves were even better.  Friday's investigation had the kids looking at items in a cereal box with a small hole in it.  They were trying to answer the question; How does light help us see things?" They then put a flashlight in each box and looked at the times.  This allowed them to better explain their thoughts about the guiding question.


*Thank you to all who sent in the cereal boxes for science.  We are now done with that investigation and don't need anymore boxes.

*We will ski and board this Wednesday. Remember there will not be homework bags sent home on this day. I also didn't send them on Friday.  I thought the kids could use the weekend to enjoy the snow and the outdoors.

*I have been working on some social dynamics with the class.  It's typical things that come up but I wanted to address it.  This past week I met with all of the 2nd grade girls and we ate lunch together and talked about recess and lunch issues that have come up.  If you have any questions, just let me know.

*As a reminder, look at last week's post if you want to sign your child up for baseball/softball.  All of the information is there.

I hope you all have a great Sunday.


Mr. Young