January 6, 2023

January 6, 2022

 Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday break.  It is report card season.  Prior to break and this week, I have been conducting a variety of tests with each kid in each subject.  The nature of 1st and 2nd grade tests tend to be a lot of 1:1 interviews. So that has been our primary focus this week. We will return to our regular schedule next week.  

As you know we have been doing celebrations and traditions this year. The goal is to learn about them, see how some may celebrate and some may not, and to learn how celebrations and traditions can look different from family to family.  With this in mind, I want to offer a chance for students and families to talk about a family specific celebration and/or tradition.  This could look like a presentation from your child, a video you all or your child makes at home (I have a tool that could be used for recording), or any other mean in which your child wants to deliver the information.  If you are interested, please use this Google Sheet to sign up for a date. For those who want to present in person, if you sign up for a Wednesday time, it will be at 1:15.  If you sign up for a Thursday or Friday slot, it will be at 10:15.  

That is all for now.  I hope you have a nice weekend.

