September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

Good Morning,
  We are off to a great start with our parent volunteers.  It is nice to have so many people who are able to help in the classroom, from home, or with field trips.  I am still looking for 2 slots to be filled (the second and fourth Tuesday and Wednesday of each month).  Please let me know if this is something you can do.

  Yesterday we started our first "official day" of Literature circles.  The students will work in groups reading a book together and then take on different roles in a Literature Circle.  The jobs include tasks such as Discussion Director, Literary Luminary, Artist, Word Finder, and Connector.

  We have also started to learn about the parts of a non-fiction book, and how to write a non-fiction story.  This will prepare us to write a longer report later in the year.

  We will be going to the orchard again on Friday.  Please have your child wear shoes that can get wet.  A change of pants or shorts might be a good idea.  Last week, the wet grass made for pretty soggy shoes and pants.

  This year I am asking the students to be leaders and talking to them about what that might look like in our school setting.  Today we met with the pre-schoolers and introduced them to the playground.  They will be joining us (the lower unit) at recess and I wanted them to feel welcome and safe.  Ask your child about the experience.

  **Remember that reading logs and the math survey will be due on Friday.
  **Each student needs $4 for our Flynn trip (later in the year).  Please send it in by Friday.
  **We need a variety of small boxes (i.e. raisin, paper clip, staple, cleaned juice boxes) for a project later on.

Have a great day.  I will post again on Friday.