February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

Good Morning!  I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend.  It was nice to get out and play in the snow.  It looks like we are going to get another round or two of snow this week.  We have a lot going on over the next two weeks.  Below is an outline and/or brief description of upcoming events.

Sound Assessment Write-Up:  The students will spend time this week explaining how their instrument works (how sound is made), how they can change the sound of their instrument, and comparing it to any other object in their life that makes a sound.  I will share the results of these assessments during our parent conference.

Sound Field Trip:  The Montshire Museum currently has a "sound" exhibit that was developed by the Blue Man Group.  Although it is a lengthy bus ride, it sounds like it would be worth the trip.  I am hoping to go Tuesday, March 15th (leaving around 8:00).  If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know by Wednesday.  Mrs. Belknap's classes would be joining us.

Ski Program:  Wednesday will mark the last ski day before vacation.  Please make sure your child brings his/her items needed to be safe and warm.

Mapping Project:  This Friday we will be working in the lab on electronic versions of the orchard map.  Some of the students will be creating digital maps from scratch and others will be using a still shot from Google Earth to create a map.  We will be in the lab at 8:30.

Artist in Residence:  This year's program will focus on African Drumming and will start next Monday.  Although the final schedule is not posted, I believe our morning routine will be somewhat different.  Most of our schedule times will incorporate our PE blocks.  The final presentation will be held during the Friday Morning Assembly before vacation.  I hope you can join us for the big show.

There will be reading and math homework this week.  

I hope you have a great week.