April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011

Good Afternoon,
  WE WON!  Yesterday I received a call from Olivia Gay, from the Secretary of States Office, regarding our entries in the State Symbol Contest.  Olivia informed me that our class was chosen the overall winner for the 1st-2nd grade category.  Earlier in the week, I had received an e-mail thanking us for entering and asking me to explain that they had a lot of entries and would only be picking one winner and a few runners up.  However, after judging our class' entries, they decided there were so many strong entries that they would award the whole class the prize.  We will be honored at the State House on May 23rd @ 12:30.  There will be cake and a little ceremony.  We also won a tour of the State House and a viewing of the Constitution.  If enough parents would like to join us on the trip, I would like to take cars instead of paying for a bus.  Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning.

  I hope you have a wonderful break.  Please encourage your child to read during break.