January 12, 2014

Good Morning,
  I hope people found something fun to do on what might as well be described as a miserable weather weekend.

The video above is part of a project that we will be doing for our People Making A Difference Unit.  We are in the process of making a video that will describe what we are doing.  I wanted you to just have a heads up about it.  More information will be forthcoming. This project was inspired by one of the class members and I found a way to integrate it into our unit of study.

Today, the students continued writing their outlines for the or Fictional Narratives.  We will spend the next week or two writing our stories.


*  We have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for PE class.

*  First graders should continue to play the math game they have.  The survey will be sent home a week from today.

I hope you have a great week.