October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017

Happy Friday the 13th (in October of all months)! We have had a great week, filled with a variety of activities.  Last week was the 1st week of the Climate Action Project.  We spent some time talking about our seasons and what we typically see for weather.  I then asked them if the climate was changing.  We created a comparison chart of what we saw this year during each season.  The kids noticed a big change from what was typical.  They made 4 clips to summarize their learning.  Please skip over the part where I am speaking.  I had to introduce the project to the rest of the world.


This week we have focused on some causes of climate change.  We have read the Lorax, by Dr. Seuss.  We had a great discussion about the clear cutting of the trees and what effects it had.  We will continue this work next week.  We also talked with another 2nd grade in Tabernacle, New Jersey.  I am friends with a teacher there and our classes compared our climate change work.  It was great to hear about their area (very southern New Jersey), the changes they have seen near the ocean, and the climate work they have been doing.  We have also been working on a song about climate change, and are working with three other schools (in 3 different states) to create one collaborative piece that we will all sing.  It gave us a chance to talk about syllables and rhyming words as we created our two verses.  The song is a spin on I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.  We recorded a practice version yesterday.  Take a look and see what you think.

Wednesday marked the start of the school's Inspiration Hour project.  The idea is that students will find an offering that both interests them and challenges them to learn a new skill, develop a stronger love for, or just dabble in something new.  The kids were very excited for this and they all had a great time.  We will continue this project in two weeks and then finish it with a culmination on the 1st on November.

Volunteer Schedule:

Our volunteer schedule will start this coming Monday.  Below is the schedule.  If you would like ot be added, please let me know.

Tuesdays:  Kellee Mazer 8:30-9:45 (Math)
Fridays:  Carla Ryley 1:45-2:15 (Writing)

The Following Parents Will be typing kids stories at home:  Jean & Jonathan G., Brandi T., and Carey R.

The Following Have offered to help with trips.  If you are able to drive, please make sure you get the necessary paperwork and fingerprinting done:  Will R., Brandi T., Rich or Sarah P.

To assist interested volunteers in completing this step, Laura Titus, who coordinates background checks in HUUSD, will be at Waitsfield School Tuesday 10/24, 7:30 - 8:00, to start the paperwork process for these checks. As this paperwork can take up to 2 months to be processed, I strongly encourage all to take care of it now.

You will need to bring a photo id and be prepared to pay $12 (checks made out to HUUSD). The Waitsfield PTA has offered to reimburse volunteers for this cost.

That is all for now.

Have a great weekend.