November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010

Today we continued writing about our Thanksgiving traditions, finished a magnet observation/discovery, and started writing about things that we are thankful for.  During math, the students continued working with addition and subtraction number stories.  We are working toward gaining an understanding of the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.

Below is the conference schedule.  As you can see, I am lined right up.  Please be on time, and I will promise to do the same.

Conference Schedule
2:30  Sawyer
3:00 Kelci
3:30 Ayla
4:00  Greta
4:30  Julia
5:00  Winter
5:30  Molly
6:00  Jacob
6:30  Bryn

2:30 Abby
3:00  Piper
3:30  Anda
4:00  Angela
4:30  Charlotte
5:00  Marieke
5:30  Liza

I will be sending home reading homework that will need to be done during the break.  Please make sure your child fills out his/her log and returns it on Monday.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.