November 3, 2010

November 3, 2010

Today we read Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey.  After reading the book we talked about blueberries and how important they are to the state of Maine.  We then learned about the town of Machias and through the use of the web learned all about their Blueberry Festival traditions.  We wrote a summary together focusing on the use of adjectives and elaboration.

Tomorrow your child will be bringing their parent conference form home.  Everyone has been given a slot.  Please make every effort to make the scheduled time.  After the Thanksgiving break, my basketball season goes into full swing.  I will have very limited time to reschedule any missed conferences.  If there is a major conflict with your time, please let me know a.s.a.p.

*There is an assembly this Friday morning.  Mrs. Baker's Class will be hosting.
11/8/10  Book Order Forms Due
11/10/10  Early Release Day
11/10/10  Photo Retake Day
11/11/10  PTA Meeting
11/19/10  Thanksgiving Lunch (If you are planning on attending, please return your form by 11/8/10.

Have a great day.