March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Good Morning,
  I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  It was nice to have everyone in school today looking rested and feeling healthy.  We have a nice stretch of academic time ahead of us and I am looking forward to jumping right in.  We will start our changes/differences unit next week.  This is a science unit that compares living organisms.

  On Friday, we will have an assembly that focuses on Peace.  Ms. Fair has organized the event and is asking that we all sing the song I Like to Teach the World to Sing.  Below is a video with the words to the song.  Please practice it with your child.  I envision some kind of Walton thing going on in each house hold (joking).  Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

*There is reading homework for Wednesday and Thursday.  Please make sure to help your child fill out their log.  Math homework will pick up again next week.

*I have only received Montshire money from Molly, Ayla, Anda, Charlotte, Bryn, and Julia.  Please send in the $6 a.s.a.p.  If the fee is an issue, please let me know.

*March Goal:  I want every child to know the days of the week in order, as well as the months of the year.  We will be practicing at school but encourage extra practice at home.

I hope you have a wonderful day and evening.