November 18, 2011

November 11, 2011

Good Afternoon,

  We had an absolutely amazing day.  The kids were fantastic and the work was impressive.  We started the morning with a puppet show put on by Ms. Belknap's and Ms. Hale's classes.  After the assembly, the kids worked on their Weekly News.  I am very impressed with the amount that each child is writing independently.  During science, I asked the kids to look at their moon observations and to answer the question; Why does the moon seem to change?  The answers varied but most thought the moon either got bigger or that it got closer to the Earth.  After reading a book about this, I asked them the same question again.  Find out from your what he/she believes the answer is.  This afternoon the kids had math and art.  During first grade math, we continued our "break" from the Investigations program and continued our work with double decker busses.  No, we have not been in England, but rather working on compliments of 20.  Ask your child about the double decker bus experience.


*Report Cards:  Your child has his/her report card in his/her backpack.  Please bring this to your parent conference.

*Weekend Reading:  Many of the kids are begging for weekend reading.  I am allowing kids to bring home books over the weekend (if they choose).  They will be in their homework bags.  Please make sure to send them back in on Monday.

*Book Orders:  If you have ordered books as a holiday gift and don't want me to give them to your children when they arrive, please let me know.  I will be sending the orders out to Scholastic over the weekend.

*Weekly News:  Your child has his/her Weekly News folder in his/her backpack.

I hope you have a great weekend.