November 14, 2011

November 14, 2011

Good Morning,
  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  I want to thank everyone who was able to contribute to the Ski and Skate sale.  It was one of, if not the most, successful years ever.  It takes a community to make an event like this successful and our community certainly did shine for this.

  I am officially back in the room.  I spent all weekend scraping the rust of my teaching skills and hope to be in top form as the week starts.  Several of you have asked about Ms. Hines and what will she do now.  She will be with us through the end of December.  She will still be in charge of her science unit, parts of Fundations, and guiding the stations each day.  This will allow her to work on specific teaching skills and still have an active part of the classroom.  I want to congratulate her on a successful solo week and thank her for the time that she put into getting ready for it.

*Math and Reading Homework:  There will be reading homework all week.   Please make sure to fill out your reading log each day (Parent's can write for the kids).  There will also be a new math game for each kid this week.  The surveys will be due on Tuesday of next week (start of vacation is Wednesday).

*If you have not signed up for a parent conference slot, please do so today.  Let Kathi know if you have any problems.

*TRAVELERS NOTE:  Please remember the class requirements if you are missing school for anything other than a sick day.  Your child should read each day and fill out their reading log and write in a journal daily.  The focus of the journal should be about their travel(s) and about interesting things that are happening.  Once your child returns to school, he/she will be asked to present about his/her trip.  I also ask that a parent set up a meeting (upon return) to go over any work that needs to be made up.  I appreciate you support with this.

*I am sending home book orders today.  I ask that they are returned by Friday, so that I can have them ordered and returned before the December break.  This will be the last order before the December break.

That is all for now.  I hope you have a wonderful week.
