April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

Good Afternoon,
  I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  It was surely a treat to end it with yesterday's weather.  There was a lot of chatter (amongst the children) about their vacations.  We talked a lot about Vermont being a vacation destination and that many people choose to stay here and enjoy its beauty and offerings.

 Today we continued our talk about narratives.  We discussed the idea that authors tend to write about things they are passionate about, and then develop a problem for that interest.  I used the example of bears and creating a story about a bear not wanting to wake up from its hibernation.  Each student identified something he/she were passionate about and how he/she could turn it into a narrative story.

  Although the weather is starting to creep toward summer conditions, we still have a healthy chunk of our school year left.  I look forward toward this time and the final push before summer break.

Have a great week.
