October 23, 2013

October 23, 2013

Good Morning,
  What a change a week can make.  With this in mind, it is time to start thinking about cold weather attire and appropriate footwear.  Please make sure your child has a jacket for recess and boots on rainy and snowy days.  If you would like to have your child leave a pair of sneakers at school, feel free to do so.

  On Monday, we continued to work on our pen pal letters.  The students were asked to write a letter that had four sentences about themselves, 1 sentence about something they like, and 2 questions for their pen pal.  I am asking the 2nd graders to use elaboration and detail within their writing.

  Yesterday, we went to the town library.  The students learned about all of the interesting events the library offers as well as all of the children's books that the library offers.  Lisa and Joy (the two librarians) talked to the students about obtaining library cards and the digital download (for e books) option that is available through their website.  The students all brought home sign up sheet to get their own library card.  If you fill it out and return it, I will walk the kids down on a Wednesday afternoon to turn it in, or you can bring it in yourselves.


*I have decided to not have my class attend the High Fives assembly on Thursday.  Kaiya asked us to preview the movie (that will be shown) and decide if it was grade appropriate.  After viewing it, I have decided that it is a bit to "scary" for 1st and 2nd graders.  Although the message of wearing a helmet is an important one, I feel the intended audience is 3-6 graders.  We will discuss the importance of ski and snowboarding helmets prior to the start of our Winter Sports Program.

*Please send in the $3 for the Flynn trip.  The trip is October 31st.

*Halloween:  We will not be having a halloween party.  As excited as the students are about this special day, I feel they all have plenty of opportunities outside of school to reveal in the Halloween spirit and festivities.

*First Grade Math:  Yesterday each first grader brought home another set of flash cards.  Please add these to your child's current set and practice them.  This is extra and will not have to be written up in a survey.  However, your child is on the 2nd week of their math game.  I will send home the game survey on Monday, October 28th.  A new game will be sent home on the 29th.

That is all for now.  Have a great day!