September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014

Good Morning,

  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was full of my kids activities, a little bit of running and three family birthday celebrations.  It certainly made for a busy but enjoyable weekend.

  During today's Morning Meeting, we took time to read the parent responses that each student received in their Weekly News.  It is always nice to see the reactions of the students as their parent responses are read aloud.  I want to thank everyone for sending the journal back today.

  I continue to assess math, spelling, and writing skills.  I will test each child's reading ability by the end of the month.  All of this information will help me develop a plan for your child that maximizes their instructional time and makes it both meaningful and purposeful for them.

 This week, we will continue to practice and introduce aspects of the Daily 5.  So far we have introduced, molded, practiced the choices of Reading To Self and Working on Writing.  I will introduce them to Reading With Someone on Wednesday.

  Thursday will mark the start of our science curriculum.  There will be a film crew here to film the lesson.  The first 5 lessons will focus on writing like a scientist and how to record observations.  The students will be using science notebooks, throughout the year, as a means to record their science learning and thinking.  Here is a link to give you a bit more background on science notebooks:


*We will be having an evacuation drill on Thursday.  This drill is required by law and is a drill where the students practice leaving the building and walking to the Fire Station.  Ms. Korb will be leading an assembly about it on Thursday morning.

*I am out of the building on Friday afternoon.

*Keep sending in the empty paper towel and toilet tissue rolls.  I appreciate how many have already been sent in.

*If you haven't read last Friday's post, please do so.  If you didn't sign up for a hard copy of the blog but now realize you would like one, plea let me know.

That is all for now.  Have a great week.
