September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014

Good Morning,
  Today we established our classroom rules.  The kids came up with four rules.  This was the least amount I have ever had from a class. Typically they come up with 25 or so and we have to condense them down.  They chose the following:

Be Engaged
Be Respectful
Be Kind
Be Safe
(These should sound familiar)

I also added Be Your Best.  This is the first time I have added a rule but felt that this was an important one.  I want students to know that their best is expected and that their best will always be accepted.  Many early learners doubt their abilities and/or compare them to there.  I want each student to know that their best may look different than someone else's best.

I would like to meet with each new family (to my classroom).  I can do before school (around 7:10) or make anytime after school work.  These will be quick 10 minute meetings but give us a chance to touch base.  Please email me with a few dates and times that will work for you.  I would like to hear from you by Friday.


*We have an assembly this Thursday.

*I would like your empty toilet and paper towel rolls.  Please send them in if you can.  I will collect these until further notice.

*Your child has their homework bag with their book of choice in it.  Please make sure the book and bag are returned each day.

*I would like to wish Noa a Happy Birthday.  Tomorrow she will turn 7.

*I usually type my blog post during a special or lunch. I try to quickly proofread but will miss something from time to time.  I appreciate your understanding with this.  As it is right now, I am typing and trying to get a child caught up with something at the same time.

That is all for now.  I will post again on Friday.

Have a great week!
