September 2, 2016

September 2, 2016

Good Afternoon,

  We have had a wonderful first week of school.  The students have been introduced to and have explored the use of many of the classroom tools that we will use this year.  We have spent a great amount of time modeling and practicing classroom and school expectations.  The first week always includes a lot of game play.  This allows me to establish social norms and expectations that game play presents.  On Wednesday, we made use of the new recreation path and walked the 1/2 mile portion. What a great addition and valuable space for our students.

  Yesterday, I talked with the students about my Hopes and Dreams for them for the coming year.  We then talked about reasons why we are in school and used this conversation to have each student create their own Hope and Dream.  The students then illustrated their own thought and created a sentence that captured their words.  These are hung up in the back of the classroom.  The Hopes and Dreams will be used as part of the rules creation project next week.

  This week the students were able to go to all of their specials with the exception of health and guidance.  I asked each specialist teacher to come to our classroom and talk to the students about their particular class.  The goal was to have each specialist explain to the students about how they enter each space (i.e library, gym, french room, etc.).  By doing this, I can now remind the students of the expectations prior to the specials class.

*  Please finish filling out the paperwork that was sent home on the 1st day.

*  Almost everyone has been awesome about bringing their homework bag and book back each day.  For the first few weeks, the students will be bringing home free choice books each evening.  These may not be books that they can read bit rather books that they would like read to them. This is a great opportunity for you to establish a homework routine where your child will know they have to read each night and then bring the book back the next day.

I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
