December 2, 2016

December 2, 2016

Good Afternoon,
  As you know, Jane concluded her solo week yesterday.  I know she knocked it out of the park and the kids truly enjoy her teaching and approach.  I used the week to conduct a variety of Language Arts assessments.  I asked Jane to conclude her week with a blog entry of her own.  Below are her thoughts from the week.

Have a great weekend!

We had a great week this week. This we worked on including hope and wonder as well as sensory detail in our writing by writing about that we are for breakfast and a moment before we went on a trip when we wondered about what it would be like or hoped would happen on the trip. They did an amazing job! In science we continued to experiment with Scratch Jr. and worked on writing code that would make two characters interact with each other. We acted it out first and then experimented with writing code in the app. This first week back from break was filled with excitement and over flowing with enthusiasm for our learning.

Thank you for allowing me to learn alongside your children I greatly appreciate it.