May 29, 2020

May 29. 2020

Good Morning,
  I hope this finds you all ready for the weekend.  After 9 hours of Zoom Meetings (non student) yesterday, I am ready for a screen break.  Sitting in those meetings for that period of time makes me realize how glad I am that I have found a balance, for your child, with meeting time and independent work time.

  I will not be doing my usual Friday phone calls today.  I need to head out earlier than usual.  Please feel free to contact me if you need anything.

It's OFFICIAL, the last day of school will be June 9th.  Next week will be the last regular week of instruction.  All final pieces must be submitted to me by Thursday, June 4th.  I will not be grading/assessing work after that date.  I will be starting report cards on Friday, June 5th after our morning meeting.  Please get everything in by the 4th.

Rest of the Year Schedule:
6/1  No Morning Meeting because I have my daughter's 504 meeting at 9:00 that day
6/2  Morning Meeting @9:00, Writing @10:00
6/3  Morning Meeting @9:00,
6/4  Morning Meeting @9:00, Writing @10:00
6/5  Morning Meeting @ 9:00
6/8  Morning Meeting @9:00, Virtual Field Days Presented By Ali B.
6/9  Morning Meeting @9:00, Virtual Field Days Presented by Ali B.
*All scheduled 1 on 1 academic sessions will go on as planned next week.

Today's Recording:
Morning Meeting 5/29/30

Today we read Arnie the Doughnut by Laurie Keller.  Today's feature reader was Chris O'Dowd.  "At first glance, Arnie looks like an average doughnut - round, cakey, iced and sprinkled, with a hole in the middle. He was made by one of the best bakeries in town, and admittedly his sprinkles are candy-colored. Still, a doughnut is just a doughnut, right? WRONG! Not if Arnie has anything to say about it. And, for a doughnut, he sure seems to have an awful lot to say. Can Arnie change the fate of all doughnuts - or at least have a hand in his own future?"

That is all for now. Have a great weekend.

Mr. Young

I don't have time to do deliveries today, please note the following:
*Ben has new books outside of school to be picked up
*Vera has new books to be picked up
*Callum has a new reading book and chapter questions