September 5, 2013

Friday, September 6

Good Morning Friends,
  Yesterday, we had an assembly to review bus safety guidelines and procedures.  Ms. Korb led the assembly and then had us all go out and load onto one of two busses.  The students learned what to do in case of an emergency.  Even though many of our students don't ride the bus on a daily basis, they will all have the experience at on point or another (i.e. field trips, ski program, etc.).

  We spent a lot of time on Thursday practicing the Daily 5 routine of Read to Self, introducing the routine of Working on Writing, and learned how to pick out a good fit book.  I related it to the idea of having different shoes for different reasons/purposes.  We used the acronym IPICK to learn how to pick out "Good Fit" books.

I choose a book.
Purpose of book
Interest, am I interested in reading the book
Comprehension, do I understand what I am reading
Know, I can accurately read most of the words.

Mr. Young demonstrating what happens when you don't pick a "good fit" shoe.  This was used to connect to the concept of choosing good fit books (not because he lost a bet!

  Today, we worked on creating self portraits and created a teamwork collage of our handprints.  I will focus a lot on the idea of working as a team and the idea of using all of our strengths to be the most successful.

WEEKLY NEWS:  Today your child will be bringing home their Weekly News Journals.  This is a journal that they will write in each Friday to someone at home.  The idea is you can talk to them about their writing (the focus will be about events from the week gone by).  You should then write a quick response back and send the journal back in on Monday of the next week.  PLEASE make sure these are returned each week.

Here is a video of week two.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
