April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Good Afternoon,
  I loved how our Dr. Seuss world brought us snow again.  Just joking!  I hope you are all well. 
There has been some misunderstandings with Zearn, so Mr. Hubbard and I created a "cheat sheet" to help you with how the process works, once your child has completed a Mission (unit).  Please check it out here.  I will also send home a hard copy with each child's work on the Monday we return from April break. 

Today's Recordings:
Morning Meeting 4/16/20
Writing Instruction 4/16/20:  If you missed the prompt, it was: If I had a million dollars . . .

Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @9:00  We will be watching the BFG after I take attendance. 

During Meeting, I asked students to draw a picture of what they want to do next week, during April break.  Here are the pictures that I received.  Take a look below and maybe steal an idea for relaxing next week.  I also included some more from yesterday's photo challenge.

That is all for now.
Mr. Young