April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020

Good Morning,

  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  I have to say I really enjoyed being off my computer for the weekend.  I found myself spending a ton of time outside and enjoying the sunshine.  My kids have been using this time to build some new trails on our property.  They have built themselves a nice campsite along the brook and their April break will be spent building bridges along the trails to cross over the waterways.  I love that this is what their quarantine looks like.

Today's Morning Meeting was great.  We did our usual routine and we paid tribute to Mr. Hill's music class by singing a Raffi song.  We also took a trip to the San Diego Zoo to look at some of the live web cams.  I have to say the California animals are way more laid back, a lot of them were still chilling in bed. We did see a few including a true penguin plunge.   If you would like to view any of the web cams, check out this link.

Last week, some of the kids chose a theme for each Morning Meeting.  It's a way to keep the students vested and I hope breaks up the routine enough to add some additional enjoyment into our meetings.  Participating in the theme days are strictly optional. Below are the kids choices for this week.

This Weeks Themes:
Tuesday:  Red Day
Wednesday: Stuffy Day
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: Movie and Popcorn Day

Thursday will mark the completion of our BFG read-a-loud.  We had started this book back in February and the kids had asked if we could watch the movie.  I had told them that we could once we read the book.  So, Friday we will watch the BFG as a class.  I will stream it through our Morning Meeting link.  We will do a shortened meeting and then watch it.  Feel free to allow siblings to join.  I will ask the everyone mutes their microphones during the meeting.  That way everyone will be able to hear.  It will also be popcorn day.  If you don't have popcorn, NO WORRIES!  Just email me by Wednesday, tell me how many people need popcorn and I will deliver it Thursday evening (to your mailbox).  Make sure you also include your address and marking your mailbox may have on it.

Today's Recordings:
4/13 Morning Meeting

Tomorrow's Links:
Morning Meeting @9:00
Live Writing Instruction @ 10:00

That is all for now.  Please let me know if you need anything.
